Thursday, March 8, 2012

Run for Fun.

I think my new hobby will be running.  Yeah, yeah I know I've been running for a while now but I've just recently discovered its benefits, both physically and psychologically.  Next week will be my last of five 5ks in the Winter Run Series.  I can proudly say I've increased my time for each run.  I've shaved nearly 10 minutes off my very first 5k.  It is amazing to see progression!

I must attribute my motivation and inspiration to my sisters, Melissa and Rebecca. They are the ones that I truly look to, not just for running, but for advice, insight and support.

My goal is to run a 10k by the end of the summer. Currently I am dreading any distance longer than 3.1 miles but with constant effort and persistence I will increase my endurance!

If you're a fan of running (and a female) have you heard of Girls Gone Strong? Have you heard of Girls on the Run?

Also, Chris put my blanket-in-progress in the cabinet with the can opener again. Hmph. Someday I will finish it.