Tuesday, October 16, 2012

First Month

So it's been about a month with Paleo and it's been a good month. Weekends are still hard though. I still haven't had a completely "clean" week. I blame the Packers, people have bonfires and a little something called flavored creamers.

Anyways, last night Chris made a delicious meal, just some grilled chicken and squash but it was SO good. I'm glad he supports me in my eating choices. Not like he eats unhealthy, but he knows the things I can't/won't eat and makes meals based off of that.

Other things that I've noticed...I think I've mentioned this before but I've been sleeping great. Really deep, too. I used to get up 1-2 times a night for no reason. Now I sleep through the whole night! AND I feel refreshed.

Also, from clean eating, I feel like my abs really popped this past week. This is actually one of my life goals...to obtain 6 pack abs. 80% food, 20% gym!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


So today at the gym I noticed the workout said Deadlifts...which excited me because I have been wanting to work on my form. About 3 weeks ago for the Paleo challenge we had to do body weight (BW) deadlifts, which absolutely killed my back because my technique was so off AND because the weight was too heavy! But I was forced to Rx it because that is what I did the other workouts as. (Rx = prescribed/recommended)

Anyway, like I said, that was about 3 weeks ago, I think my weight for BW deadlift then was 115 (I may have been doing 112.5, can't remember). But TODAY, I totally deadlifted 120 lbs! With great form (thanks to Blue) AND without curving my back like I was a few weeks ago. I totally can do more, I just know it. I'm so excited that I've gotten stronger and have finally learned how to properly deadlift. It's more so a push than a lift and less stress should be on your back.

So, yeah, I love PRs. Why don't more people do this kind of stuff? It doesn't even have to be weight lifting...anything in life...running, cooking, reading, writing, work,....just push yourself to the next level and see what you can handle, mentally, physically and beyond. Totally made my week.

Monday, October 8, 2012


I'm kind of in a rut with Paleo. I'm buying the same foods and I've sort of stopped looking up recipes and new foods. So there's that.

I'll work on it. I have time during my day/night to prepare, I just don't do it.

In other news, I did 52 pullups today in 8 minutes (assisted of course). Tomorrow I may be sore...

Friday, October 5, 2012


I have so many thing I want to accomplish in my 20s and I get this mentality that I'm almost 24 and a half and that I'm not THAT old but I'm also not THAT young, so I need to get on my goals and actually do them. That was a horribly long sentence. Anyways, I've been looking into doing a powerlifting meet for many months. I've researched different meets online but haven't found any in the area. BUT! Yesterday I found one near Chicago on March 16th, 2013. And that's totally enough time for me to start/continue training.

I just want to have some support in this crazy goal of mine.  Anything you do in life (or don't do) there will always be naysayers or people who think you're nuts. But sometimes you have to do what you want to do.

That's my little tidbit for the day. I need to remember this: I don't need to be doing what someone/everyone else is doing.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Day 18

Hello! I haven't blogged in a while about my Paleo adventure, although I have made 3 video blogs. Maybe I will post those. It's been going pretty well.

The first week was rough. I was tired every day even though I had a great night's sleep. Week two was a lot better as my body had adjusted to the lack of sugar.

My only struggle has been the weekend. I could easily have no cheats but I give in to a beer here or a cookie there, especially on football Sundays. Ugh. So I'm just going to realistically designate one cheat per weekend. I've had 10 so far.

I think this is a lifestyle I could get used to as I really do not miss bread and dairy makes my stomach upset anyway. The only things I miss are a little creamer in my coffee, oatmeal and ricecakes lol. Oh and maybe a little icecream (the only dairy I'll do).  Of course, after the challenge it will be nice to have a burger with a bun or a cookie here or there, but I think with this clean eating I just feel better and definitely sleep better too.

Oh, and I had duck for the first time last night. Delicious!