Thursday, September 20, 2012

Day 4 Day 4 and I had my first cheat (non-paleo) meals.

I was at my internship today and there were Krispy Kreme donuts from the newly hired therapist. I couldn't pass one up. I haven't had one of those in years. Heck, maybe a decade. There were also these DELICIOUS chocolate chip bars that someone made and I had probably three of those.  So that was cheat #1. The second cheat was my breadstick at my dad's birthday tonight. No big deal, really, since I had a salad. The last cheat was the cake for dessert, which was oh so good.

So three cheats today. At least the other three meals were healthy.

My stomach is definitely feeling it though. I remember why I am doing all this clean eating....

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day 3

SO, onto Day 3 for the Paleo challenge.

I had a delicious breakfast...Ever try cracking an egg into a coffee mug, adding peppers, tomatoes and onions to it and then microwaving for 45 seconds?  What a treat.

Anyway, I have been so lethargic lately due to my reduction in carbohydrates. For example, yesterday I had the laziest bum of a day. Literally. I sat around and wrote a paper, dilly-dallied on the computer, took a nap and then went to dinner with friends. But you know what? I slept through THE WHOLE NIGHT! That never happens!

So I don't know if that's a coincidence that I slept through the night, or if it's because I'm not eating sugar. Either way, the lack of sugar is definitely making me feel tired. I've read that my body will get used to this.

I haven't had ANY stomach problems either, which is really nice. And I haven't had any "cheat" meals, even though I went out with friends last night. I ordered a steak salad and it was probably the best salad I've ever eaten (Go to Comet on Farwell if you're ever in Milwaukee).

That's about it. Can't wait to go to bed tonight.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Day 1

So...Day 1 of the Paleo challenge in the books.

Here's what I ate:

Breakfast- Hardboiled egg
    Coffee with almond milk
Snack-Scrambled egg with peppers, tomatoes, and onion and almonds
Lunch-Salad romaine, kale, with onion, avocado, peppers, sun flower seeds and vinegar dressing.
Dinner-Turkey burger and sweet potato

I also tried almond milk for the first time today and I love it!

The WOD for the challenge today was (for time) 75 reps of power snatches...Women's Rx was 55#. Totally Rx'd it....OH YEAH.

I'm tired...Goodnight!

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Just had to write down this from today's workout....

5 minutes for each workout..AMRAP (as many reps as possible)

40 back squats 95#
62 double unders
42 hand stand push ups

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Paleo Preppin'

It's a little over a week before I begin my Paleo Challenge. I've been eating horribly lately. Well, horrible to me. Mainly because I won't get to eat like this for 2 months and also so that I appear to make more progress during the challenge. Is that considered cheating? lol I've gained 5 pounds in 2 weeks, so that's 5 more pounds that I can lose during the challenge. Measurements, benchmarks and before pictures are next week.

I'm off to the store to buy some sweet potatoes and maybe some other things. I'm planning on making sweet potatoes chips to snack on during the Packer game tomorrow! I love sweet potatoes and these chips are paleo friendly!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Labor Day WOD


Yesterday CFG had a Labor Day team WOD with a whole bunch of people. It was awesome.

Here are some more pictures:

Holding a front rack while my partner rows.

That's me in the middle! Holding an overhead press while my partner did burpees.

Blinded by the sun....holding a tricep dip while my partner does thrusters.

And some pictures from previous workouts...:

Front rack lunges



Warming up with rows.

I PR'd for the benchmark! Last time I did this WOD I didn't do it in under month later I did it in 28:43!