Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

I carved my pumpkin last night. It was the first pumpkin where I really made an effort to make a neat one. 
Mine is on the left..and achem...Chris's is on the right (pretty generic if you ask me :)

I then found a neat recipe for the seeds! Yum! I don't really think it counts as cooking but it was fun all the same.
Maple cinnamon pumpkin seeds.

A nice spin on the typical roasted seeds I am used to. Try it!
Have a wonderful Halloween! Currently watching Halloween the original =]

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Oh obsession.

I just became aware of Love it. How many gawker websites are there, anyone know? I know there is also craftgawker and weddinggawker.  Anyway, food lovers and cooks, this is that is the place for you ^. Also, has become a website I now frequent. So many fun food items to make for Fall!

There is also

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Stuffed Green Peppers!

I made stuffed green peppers tonight. They were real yummy! My only mistake was that I forgot to buy instant rice that the recipe called for and bought wheat rice (was thinking healthy).  I also added cilantro to the tomato sauce. Yum!  Chris and I enjoyed them.  I always feel like my concoctions are successful because Chris is such a good eater :) (He probably won't like that I put that).

Have a good week everyone!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The First Supper

Okay, I realize it is not November 1st, but after my first blog post, what can I say, I got inspired.  So I decided to do something for my boyfriend, Chris, that I've never done for him before: Cook him dinner!  Now, this dinner was not anything fancy but it sure was delicious!

I found a recipe for potato skins and decided to make them for an appetizer.  Then I made chicken spaghetti for the main course.

Here is the recipe for the potato skins:
Potato Skins
The most tedious part of whole process, digging out the potatoes. I put aside the guts to eat at a later time =]


Ready to eat!

 They were delicious! They tasted like a restaurant's but so much better. Chris ate about 5 =]

For dinner we had Chicken Spaghetti. Chris assisted me a little in this dinner. We decided to tweak the recipe and it was very yummy!

Chicken Spaghetti

Potato skin and chicken spaghetti..oh and an Oktoberfest, of course =]

It was delicious and it actually felt good to cook. Also, this whole meal was very cheap. I had no idea that potatoes was so cheap!  I plan on making those potato skins again for sure!

I'm thinking of doing some baking next. The cold and dreary weather inspires me!

Have you ever made potato skins before? Any different versions?

Monday, October 17, 2011

My very first post.

Time for a new stage in my life. A stage in which I explore new hobbies.  I find that in life we become  too comfortable with the same routine.  Same job, same activities, same relationships...etc.  Why not a change?  Here is my objective: I will explore a new hobby and completely commit myself to it for two months while blogging about my experience, any struggles I happen to face, time commitment, advice for anyone wanting to do that specific hobby, etc.  Why two months?  One month is too short, three months is too long.  Why am I doing this?  I'm bored.  Sure, my life has its little fun hiccups of excitement, but I simply just want to try something new, experience a new group of people, or perhaps acquire a new skill.  I might surprise myself, too.

So, with that being said, November 1st I start my first hobby.  This hobby is one that I've never actually tried.  One that I often make excuses about because I may be bad at it.  One that I think would be a good hobby and skill to possess when I get married and have a family.  Yes, that's right....COOKING.

So, I hope you will follow along with me on this journey.  I encourage everyone to try a new hobby.  I think it will make you a more wordly and well-rounded person =]

What is a hobby you would like to try?  What is stopping you?