Thursday, July 26, 2012

Few things...

Hi readers...or reader...or just myself,

A few things for today:

1. I like going to the 7:30AM WOD. The 6AM was pretty packed last week, because I believe people go to that one to get their workout in before work. Now at 7:30 it was just myself and two other people. This is probably because most people probably start work at 8 or 9 and the 7:30 class would be cutting it close.  Ok, so maybe I overthink things.

2. I have a strong desire to participate in a powerlifting meet. Maybe not soon, or maybe not even in 2012, but it is going to happen. Similarly, I'd like to do a Figure competition.

3. I have wanted to do a mission trip for the longest time. I really need to make this happen.

4. I also want to meet Jodi Picoult.

WOD was moderately difficult today. Power cleans (had too much weight on the bar, did 3 in 2 minutes *shakes head*), Farmers carry with 35# kettelbell (did 240 meters in 2 minutes), push ups (38 in 2 minutes!), and jump rope double unders (I did 3 double unders and about 50 singles)

Tonight I am working out with Chris...he's known about my powerlifting dream and is helping me with the lifts (squat, bench press, deadlift).

1 comment:

  1. I met Jodi Picoult in March. It was amazing! I didn't really get to talk to her but the talk she gave before her signing was awesome. Also--good luck with your goals, can't believe the progress you're making!
