Friday, October 5, 2012


I have so many thing I want to accomplish in my 20s and I get this mentality that I'm almost 24 and a half and that I'm not THAT old but I'm also not THAT young, so I need to get on my goals and actually do them. That was a horribly long sentence. Anyways, I've been looking into doing a powerlifting meet for many months. I've researched different meets online but haven't found any in the area. BUT! Yesterday I found one near Chicago on March 16th, 2013. And that's totally enough time for me to start/continue training.

I just want to have some support in this crazy goal of mine.  Anything you do in life (or don't do) there will always be naysayers or people who think you're nuts. But sometimes you have to do what you want to do.

That's my little tidbit for the day. I need to remember this: I don't need to be doing what someone/everyone else is doing.

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